Thursday, April 20, 2017

"Butterfly Circus" & Mr. Perky the Druid

Technically Mr. Perky is not a druid. In my family we spin tales all the time. Rather an imaginative group.
When we first met Mr. Perky was very turned off by established traditional church – proclaimed he was the only member of the Church of the Hermitage (a place of religious seclusion), who stayed home on Sundays and watched reruns of Star Trek in his underwear. I was a de-churched Christian.
The story that ensued over the years pulled from classic Celtic legends, was he would pilgrimage to Stonehenge, hugs trees etc. The reality is that he is simply a person whose family had extremely painful interactions with church and churchy people.
One month after we were married, my faith journey grew back into a strong relationship as a follower of Christ.
I believe the most important thing to know about me is that I REALLY love God and Jesus.
This influences my POV and everything I do. It gives me spiritual stability, which I personally feel is the first essential for living life.
You do not need to believe like me to be welcome on this journey; for truly everyone is welcome here. Recognize this is the very core of who I am and God will come up.
A vision statement outlines where you want to be. This communicates both the purpose and values of my life. It answers the question, “Why am I here?”
My vision statement is:

“love God, love others, it's simple” (Matthew 22: 34-40)

A Mission statement talks about HOW you will get to where you want to be. This defines the purpose and primary objectives of my life. It answers the question, “What do I do?”
My mission statement is:

“entice the skeptic, challenge the lukewarm & ignite passion in the believer.”

I believe these statements epitomize my journey here with you on being prepared. My heart breaks for the disenfranchised, those typically marginalized by society. It motivates all I do.
Mr. Perky and I have always maintained a strong mutual respect of each others faith journey.
This video entitled “Butterfly Circus” is worth the viewing. I feel it describes my faith journey well. It's not preachy, I promise.
So now you know a little more about me...

Welcome to the journey.

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